
New Energy

New Energy

New Energy, Renewables and Distributed Energy projects throughout their lifecycle.

Siveco supports sustainable energy solutions for a cleaner environment in China and the world. Siveco implements Maintenance 4.0 solutions for multisite operators in Wind and Solar Power, LNG, Cogeneration, District Heating & Cooling, Urban and Industrial Gas, Oil Storage etc.

Siveco also works with EPC companies for energy projects all over the world.


Customers :


Yingde Gases, Baida Air, LBC Shanghai Shipping TerminalBaosteel Gases,Yangzhou Taiyo Nippon Sanso Semiconductor Gases (YTNS) , CNOOC, Cofely Gient Energy Services, Engie, SCEI Distributed Energy SystemsHanas New Energy, Shell, SP Group, in China.

Outside of China, clients include Abener Solucar, Alstom Hydro, Ansaldo Energia, Areva, Brunei Department of Electrical Services, EDF New Energy, Electricity of Djibouti, Electricity of Lebanon, Gamesa, Gas Rimini, GE, Hanwha, IFP New Energy, Senelec, Sonelgaz, STEG, Chonburi Clean Energy (CCE), TIBAGI ENERGIA SPE S.A., etc.




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