The fourth issue of our Maintenance in China newsletter has been launched on June 23.
This special edition of newsletter is dedicated to the hottest topic in today's manufacturing: Lean (and TPM). In sharp contract with the "gurus" that dominate this field, Siveco shares practical experience of obtaining sustainable results in the plant. This month's Reliability section focuses about avoiding the pitfalls of TPM implementations in China. The customer story showcases one of our hands-on projects on a highly automated production line in the automotive industry. In Tips & Tricks, we talk about OEE measures whose implementation in CMMS often proves elusive. The Partners section deals with Siveco China's Value Added Partner Program. The newsletter also contains a reprint of popular 2006 article "A contrarian approach to maintenance" and the usual Latest News section.
This special "Lean" edition is also available in printed version (contact us for a copy) or in pdf format (
download here).
to read this issue of the newsletter
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